This masterfully executed collection of coins is based upon the most famous of Ancient Egyptian myths: The Story of Osiris. The collection consists of artful and deftly minted representations of the five deities central to this epic tale. The coin designs of this collection feature original artwork inspired by authentic, ancient examples, and include both figural and sculptural images of each god or goddess. A cartouche encircling the hieroglyphic form of the deity’s name complements each design, along with traditional decorative borders. The precise application of rich, enamel-like colour brings to mind the jewel-like pigments favoured by the ancients. OSIRIS is the God of the Afterlife. He ruled over the netherworld where the dead were made to stand in judgment before a divine tribunal. Those who were judged as having lived just and virtuous lives were granted admittance to the kingdom of Osiris where they would enjoy eternal life. Those who failed to live honourable lives were condemned to punishment, and ultimately, total destruction. ISIS is the Goddess of Magic and Fertility, as well as the wife of Osiris and mother of Horus. Her beauty, strength and devotion, and mastery of the magical arts helped her to ultimately become the feminine ideal of the Egyptians. So popular was Isis that, with the rise of the Roman Empire, her cult quickly spread throughout the Mediterranean world. HORUS is the son of Osiris and Isis and was known as the God of the Sky. As the sky he was believed to contain both the sun and moon, with the sun residing in his right eye and the moon in his left. The sun and moon were thought to cross the sky when Horus was in flight in the form of a falcon. SET is the God of Chaos. His prevailing role in the Osirian myth is that of the main adversary who is ultimately bested by Osiris’ son Horus and driven back into the desert over which he holds dominion. Indeed, he was the divine personification of desert storms and destruction. Prior to the unification of the two regions of Egypt, Set was revered as the god of Upper Egypt while Horus ruled Lower Egypt. NEPHTHYS is the benevolent Goddess of Mourning and the wife of Set. Her role in the Osirian myth is primarily in providing assistance to Isis in gathering scattered pieces of Osiris and mourning him in the funerary rites. She is also described as the’nursing-mother’ of Horus, while Isis is the’birth-mother. These coins are not available in singles. Only available as a set of 5 coins.