????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? . Coins of Elizabeth I and Peter III. High quality reprint from 2003, from original 1896 St. 2 (two) Hard bound volumes, each 250 X 350mm. 10 by 14 inches. USA Blue book is an illustration only to show the large size of this volume and not part of this sale. This two separate volumes has 295 pages, 69 pp + 22 plates of coins, 40 pp + 14 pp +2 plates of coins, and 2 portraits of Elizabeth I and Peter III. Both volumes have a cotton gold book mark. These volumes printed on glossy paper. They have a book case but somehow partially unglued. If you want it, it can be sent to you per your request but no return, so if you do not tell us, we will send a books only. Grand Duke George Mikhailovich is a Patron and King of all Russian Numismatics. He is an honor publisher of the Corpus of Russian Imperial coinage, known as Moneti Tsarsvovaniya… One of this Corpus volumes is here for sale, in two books. This beautiful piece of Russian Royal History and its Famous Russian Numismatist with the coins of reign Elizabeth I Petrovna and Peter III will be a great addition to your collection as a mandatory reference for this periods and a great gift! Grand Duke was the collector and owner of the most largest and important Russian collection of rare gold, silver and copper coins, and medals, currently in Smithsonian Institute Washington D. Book is in NEW condition not even once read. High quality reprint is scarce as any others coin catalogs and materials appeared world-wide and related to the legacy of Grand Duke Georgii Mikhailovich as numismatist. Please inspect your item carefully using the enlarge pictures provided. Any return of numismatic items can ONLY be made to us in the event of lack of genuineness. Numismatic items graded and authenticated by a third party service, as PCGS, NGC, ICG, ANACS, etc. Are not returnable for any reason.