Zajecza 15 , 00-351 Warszawa Polska. We’ve got a new coin that entered The Art That Changed The World series by Niue! It’s a unique series presenting remarkable works of architecture of different periods of Art. The unique design of this coin fully reflects the Gothic Art, hence the name. It’s diamond-shaped piece of. 999 fine silver with artistic motifs, original themes and rich decorations. The mix of easily perceptible proportions and a harmonious layout with a colored agate insert make it a real catch for art lovers! The obverse displays the chancel of the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln decorated with a green agate insert. There is also the traditional effigy of her Majesty Elizabeth II, the Queen’s name, the face value of the coin, its issuing country and year. The antique finish reverse features the main nave of the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln. The front part of the nave is embellished with a green agate insert. Located Lincoln in England, this historic Anglican cathedral was the tallest building in the world from just after 1300 to 1549. The art coin comes housed in an elegant wooden presentation case; the mintage is limited – a mere 3 333 pieces worldwide. Grab your piece of gothic art! Discounts on new coins for registered users. Unusual shape, Glass and locket insert. For Australia – UPS only.